Two platforms disrupting the temp hiring process

January 22, 2021


TPI Personnel


Strategy, Product Design, Development




<txt-link>Truckker<txt-link>, an elegant digital platform solution that Ready Set Go created for the trucking staffing industry, matches pre-vetted commercial drivers with job postings from a range of freight carriers. Ready Set Go also developed and launched <txt-link>Workker<txt-link>, based on the same premise, yet for industrial companies seeking general qualified staff for a range of job functions.

How The Two Platforms Work: 

A typical job site like Indeed posts job opportunities across almost any industry to a wide swath of job candidates, many of whom aren't actively seeking work.

In the case of Truckker and Workker, Ready Set So created a matching algorithm within the two platforms' respective databases with a specific set of criteria for employers to quickly identify the most qualified candidates. Conversely, job seekers looking for work provide their personal information, relevant work experience, the type of gig they're looking for and, voilà, Ready Set Go's algorithm matches the most optimal candidate for both the company and hiree.

"We built what's called a microservice, an application that's separated from the main application itself, to perform the employer-to-employee matching in the background," says Ready Set Go’s Dayton Pereira. "When it finds the results, it updates a page that tells you, 'okay, you've got 80 qualified matches, or 60 matches and so on.'"

Ready Set Go's Product Development Process:

Dayton and his team started developing the two job-matching platforms, utilizing basic equivalence matching within each service's database. The aim: To find patterns that matched both the employer's and employee's set of criteria for any given job as closely as possible. 

The team then created a third-party <txt-link>microservice<txt-link>: a software design approach that breaks an application down into independent, de-coupled components. In doing so, Ready Set Go gained the necessary processing power to both manage a growing number of job criteria hierarchies and augment the microservice with more detailed matching criteria. 

Further, Ready Set Go introduced a scoring system to match the most optimal worker with the companies seeking to hire them and vice versa. Based on the complexity of a worker's profile, including the hiree's record of activity within the system or the number of times that a similar type of company has hired them, Ready Set Go could start to rank those individuals and assign a score for each candidate.

"For example, this person has the highest possible score, and this candidate is worthy of hiring more than this other person, or the number of times that they've been hired by a similar type of company, or by the exact company," Dayton explains. "Then, with this data, we can start ranking matched workers." 

How Ready Set Go's Rating System Works.

Key Factor 1: Location

First, Ready Set Go started in on the ‘for hire' system, using GIS (Global Information Systems) to rank potential hirees based on their proximity to potential job locations. They also used <txt-link>Redis<txt-link>, a data storage model designed to store, retrieve, and manage associative <txt-link>arrays<txt-link> ("a series of memory locations, each of which holds a single item of data). Next, potential hires share how far they're willing to travel for work as a condition in their criteria. 

From there, these potential workers get ranked and organized by proximity to a given job location and, in turn, those workers closest to the location become matches in the system.

Factor 2: Worker Employment History

Inevitably, there's going to be a lot of possible candidates who've worked in many places over time, repeatedly. Further, when they're good workers, they would get a five-star rating from all of the places they've worked. Yet, the number of places they've worked or their proximity to workplaces doesn't genuinely indicate they're a more qualified worker than a person with a higher score who hasn't worked at many different work locations. 

"Those are the kinds of nuances in the data we consider with our matching system, which is a key part of the algorithm we continue to optimize," Dayton says.

Finally, The Job Offer

Once the platforms find an ideal match for both the employer and hiree, Workker or Truckker automatically alerts the candidate to apply for the job. 

"It's like a tailored version of your typical job website: instead of being passive and waiting for people to apply for a job, we solicit these pre-qualified and vetted candidates to say hey, there's a perfect job for you that you should apply for, just click one button to apply. From there, we send the notifications via email and SMS. 

That's it," Dayton Says. "That's the magic."

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