Helping KeyOps Foster A Thriving Medical Community

Peter Doulas is a Co-founder and the CEO of KeyOps, which provides crowd-sourced insights and opinions from experts in the medical community. 

In 2020, Ready Set Go designed and built KeyOps' platform so pharma companies could communicate more effectively with medical professionals when testing and bringing new products to market.

How It Works:

Upon joining the service, medical experts receive short engagements (i.e. questions or commentary on subject matter from the medical community). The digital physician engagement platform incentivizes medical professionals to share advice by offering instant CME credits (i.e., Community Member Education credits) and rewards.

How KeyOps Came To Be: 

As the COVID-19 pandemic set in, Doulas and his team found that pharma company reps had difficulty engaging physicians remotely to gain feedback on their products.

"There were a lot of questions: Were they doing a good job? Did doctors have the right information about a pharmaceutical product? Were they aware of new drugs coming to market?"

Eventually, KeyOps landed on a winning incentive to get physicians to share their professional medical opinions: a price-per-engagement fee for each physician they work with, or 'Key Opinion Leaders,' hence the company's name.

Enter Ready Set Go:

Soon after, a colleague of Doulas' reached out to Ready Set Go partner Mark Silver to design and build KeyOps' platform. "We wanted a compelling user experience that physicians would find engaging and easy to use. RSG won the business, based on their track record and reputation," he says.

And they lived up to that reputation when delivering KeyOps' product. 

Doulas believes Ready Set Go's experience in building a wide range of high-quality B2B and B2C digital user experiences put the design agency in a better position to tackle the problems they're addressing for their clients.

 "They don't just do it one way, they try to take the best of both the business and consumer worlds," Doulas says. 

Proof In The Pudding: 

What mattered, though, is what the medical community thought of KeyOps. Doulas happily reports that its gained significant traction.

Over the years, Doulas says the pharma industry's employed various approaches to engage with the life science community. The difference, he says, is that the solution Ready Set Go built for us goes hand-in-hand with how we all now communicate.  

"It's a modern tool. A web and mobile-optimized experience experts can use on their own time," he says. “The medical community appreciates that. They don't have to schedule a meeting or a zoom session; they get to use it when it's convenient for them.

The proof? Doulas says KeyOps has earned popularity with life science companies. 

"We don't monetize the user. We monetize the life science company. When I joined last year, we were only working with a few companies. Now there are five. That's a significant increase, and we're very pleased."

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